4/13 早上去醫院做羊膜穿刺檢查。
護士先確認之後,醫生馬上就來了。一來第一句話就說:不要緊張,我只是先確認位子。其實那天我並沒有很緊張(或許是有親愛的老公在一旁陪我吧!!) ,只是有點怕針頭而已。
消毒、並確認要下針的位子後,醫生動作很快的刺入,並用針筒吸羊水。羊水的顏色是淡黃色的,我與老公說那是baby的尿,所以才是黃色的,他不相信耶!! ^^ 不是這樣嗎??
一回來就乖乖躺著休息,可是睡不著真痛苦,後來才到老公的房內躺著看電視。今天只是躺個半天就快無聊透了,想到之後有一個月的月子要做要躺,就覺得很難熬----------。而今晚的課,也因學生體諒所以停課一次,謝謝你們!! ^^ 下禮拜可能要跳低衝擊較多了,因為醫生說一個禮拜內都要小心!! 所以如果看到我跳低衝擊,不要以為我在偷懶哦!! 呵呵!!
對了,晚上Ethan突然就像小baby 一樣,裝成小孩在一旁玩,要我抱抱-----!!! 還把自己蓋在棉被中,假裝在我的肚子裡,然後慢慢的從棉被下方鑽出來,假裝被生出來----呵呵呵,真是有創意。可能他以為我要生小孩了吧,因為今早起來覺得奇怪爸爸怎麼在家,與他說爸爸要陪媽媽去看醫生,他竟說:「你要生小baby囉!! 」呵呵,真可愛!!
查過相關資料, 簡單的說, 羊水在16週前由羊膜分泌形成, 16週以後經胎兒以吞食和排尿等方式調節其水量. 所以說羊水是胎兒的尿, 不完全對也不完全錯. 以現在18週來看, 應開始有混入胎兒的尿液.
回覆刪除羊膜在受精第二週開始灌水, 這個階段胎兒的泌尿系統還沒有成形, 自然也不會有尿液產生. 一直到第八週開始, 胎兒的腎臟開始發育和作用, 所以羊水中才開始可分析出尿素的成份.
From the very beginning of the formation of the extracoelomal cavity amniotic fluid [AF] can be detected. This firstly water-like fluid originates from the maternal plasma, and passes through the fetal membranes by osmotic and hydrostatic forces. As the placental and fetal vessels develop, the fluid passes through the fetal tissue, as the exsudatum of the skin. After the 20th-25th week of pregnancy when the keratinization of skin occurs, the quantity of amniotic fluid begins to depend on the factors that comprise the circulation of AF.
At first it is mainly water with electrolytes, but about the 12-14th week the liquid also contains proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and phospholipids, and urea, all of which aid in the growth of the fetus.
The volume of amniotic fluid is positively correlated with the growth of fetus. From the 10th to the 20th week it increases from 25ml to 400ml approximately. From the 8th week, when the fetal kidneys begin to function, fetal urine is also present in the AF. Approximately in the 10th week the breathing and swallowing of the fetus slightly decrease the amount of AF, but neither urination nor swallowing contributes significantly to AF quantity changes, until the 25 week, when keratinization of skin is complete. Then the relationship between AF and fetal growth stops. It reaches the plateau of 800ml at the 28 week (gestational age). The amount of fluid declines to roughly 400 ml at 42 weeks ga.