Jazzercise 四十週年慶花絮,觀看影片請點我
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Jazzercise的創辨人Judi Sheppard Missett,於1969年在芝加哥開設了第一堂Jazzercise,如今重回芝加哥舉辨Jazz in the City 活動,來慶祝這另人驚嘆的四十年。目前,在美國的五十洲及世界32個國家中,Jazzercise有約7,500位教師,每週至少有32,200堂Jazzercise課程開班。
Jazzercise dance exercise programs 40th anniversary event highlights. Jazzercise CEO Judi Sheppard Missett, who founded Jazzercise with a single class in Chicago in 1969 celebrates 40 amazing years. Today, Jazzercise has 7,500 instructors teaching more than 32,000 classes weekly in all 50 states and 32 countries around the world.