2020年4月13日 星期一

Jazzercise 在家運動 video 4



Exercise 1: Quick marches or high knee jogs to warm up: 60 seconds

Exercise 2: With the right leg back in a narrow lunge, tip torso forward and pulse: 1 set of 30 seconds and alternate legs


Exercise 3: Holding your weight horizontally, put your right leg in front and your left leg back. From there, lift arms overhead and then plié down into a lunge, pulling the weight down in front of you: 1 set of 15 and reverse

Exercise 4: Feet apart, hold weight horizontally, plié squat and lift weight up in front of shoulders 2x, then right and left 2x: 60 seconds

Exercise 5: Feet apart in a narrow second position, hold weight vertically and lift overhead, plié squat and lift right knee while doing a triceps dip (down) and straighten: 1 set of 15 on the right then reverse
雙腳微開站,雙手拿啞鈴正上舉定住,雙手往頭後方triceps下 (同時,雙腳plie 蹲並將右腳上抬),雙手直上舉 (同時雙腳站直)。抬右腳一邊15下,再換左腳抬起15下。

Exercise 6: Hold weight horizontally, contract abdominals while lifting the weight up in front, then lengthen abdominals while lowering the weight: 1 set of 15
腹部運動,雙手拿啞鈴由下往正前平舉 (肚子用力內縮),雙手再下來 (肚子拉長,上身往上拉的感覺)。這樣一組做15下。

Exercise 7: Holding weight vertically, push weight overhead, pull down and in, then rotate right and left: 1 set of 15
腹部運動,雙手上舉,下來時 (肚子用力內縮),再上身轉右左 (雙腳有點微蹲),記得肚子用力撐住保護你的下背部。這樣一組做15下。

Exercise 8: With feet apart, hold weight horizontally and pull into chest, plié squat, then straighten and push weight overhead: 1 set of 15
雙腳站比肩膀寬些,雙腳蹲plie (同時,雙手拿啞鈴在胸前),再雙腳站直 (同時,雙手上舉),記得蹲時膝蓋不超過腳指尖。一組做15下。

Exercise 9: Feet in second position, clasp hands in front, rotate torso right, left, then hold right with knee lift while engaging the core, reverse: 60 seconds

腹部運動,雙腳開,雙手交叉握住,上身右左右轉 (1,2,hold),定住時加上抬右腳。肚子要用力撐身體才會站穩。轉時下半身不轉。右左右,左右左,為一組,做60秒。

資料來源:Jazzercise Inc.

