2020年4月20日 星期一

Jazzercise 在家運動 video 6

Exercise 1: Warm up! Step touch or step drag right and left: 60 seconds Exercise 2: Step back with left leg into a lunge and pulse 2x, switch legs and pulse 2x: 1 set of 15 Exercise 3: Turned out lunge with arms overhead pulling tight through the core, lunge to the right then left in a single single double pattern, elbows pull down on the double: 1 set of 10 Exercise 4: Burpee (plié, jump to plank, jump to plié, stand): 1 set of 8 Exercise 5: Pull right knee across, elbow pulls to ribcage, then extend the leg to tap on the back diagonal, arm reaches across: 1 set of 15 and switch to the other side Exercise 6: All fours position, circle right leg back in inward circles. Be sure to keep toes pointed and your knee bent: 1 set of 20 and switch to the other side Exercise 7: Push-ups, any level: 10-15 reps Exercise 8: All fours position, right leg comes out to the side, lift and lower leg to the floor: 1 set of 20, reverse Exercise 9: Right side-lying position on right elbow, slight bend in hips, with both legs piked out in front. Lift straight left leg up, then lift straight right leg up to meet the left, lower right leg, lower left leg (“lift, lift, lower, lower”): 1 set of 15, reverse Exercise 10: Lying on your back with left foot the floor and arms at your side, extend straight right leg up over hips and then press leg open/across: 1 set of 15, reverse Exercise 11: Bridge Position, feet on floor, lift hips, then lift right knee while lifting hips, then reverse: 15 reps

 資料來源:Jazzercise Inc.

2020年4月14日 星期二

Jazzercise 在家運動 video 5


Exercise 1: Warm up with feet apart and weights at your side, pulse plié 2x, then pulse with the right knee up 2x, pulsing plié 2x, then pulse with the left knee up 2x: 60 seconds

Exercise 2: With feet hip distance apart, pulse plié with right relevé and right biceps curl, reverse: 1 set of 15
雙腳開與臗部同寬,雙腳plie蹲,踮右腳尖(加上右手biceps曲) ,雙腳蹲,踮左腳尖(加上左手biceps曲)。一樣一直蹲,一右一左為一組,做15下。

Exercise 3: Toes and knees forward, right knee bent, tip from the hip, lift arms out and in (delt fly): 1 set of 15 and reverse left

Exercise 4: With feet hip distance apart, overhead press with right arm while pivoting right leg inward in relevé, return center: 1 set of 15 and reverse

雙腳開與臗部同寬,右手上舉 (同時,上身微轉左,加上右腳微轉踮腳尖),手下來 (身體回正)。一邊15下,再換邊。
Exercise 5: In a turned out second position, hold a single weight horizontally with both hands and press weight side to side while completing right/left turned out lunges in 3s: 60 seconds (Exercise from “You Need to Calm Down”)
雙腳大開,lunge右左右 (雙手拿啞鈴平行移動右左右) (1,2,hold,hold)),lunge左右左。共做60秒。

Exercise 6: All fours position, weight in right hand, rotate left with curved arm and move into a triceps kickback: 1 set of 15 and reverse (Exercise from “Beautiful People”)
跪趴著,雙腳微開,右手拿啞鈴曲定住,上身轉往左,再回來並triceps kick back後,記得手肘定住不晃擺,直直後回來曲。一邊做15下,再換邊。

Exercise 7: Push-ups, any level: 1 set of 10 to 15

Exercise 8: Seated with hands behind head, reverse sit-up with torso rotation right/left and lengthen up with torso rotation right/left: 1 set of 15
腹部運動,上身微往後傾定住 (肚子用力撐住),上身轉右左,再起來正,上身轉右左。這樣一組,做15下。記得雙手手肘開,不要抱住你的頭。

Exercise 9: Lying on your back with legs up over your hips, slowly lower legs to hover over floor, bent knees pull in, legs extend over hips: 1 set of 15

Exercise 10: Lying on your back with legs up over your hips, pulse legs out with knees bent and toes pointed: 60 seconds


資料來源:Jazzercise Inc.

2020年4月13日 星期一

Jazzercise 在家運動 video 4



Exercise 1: Quick marches or high knee jogs to warm up: 60 seconds

Exercise 2: With the right leg back in a narrow lunge, tip torso forward and pulse: 1 set of 30 seconds and alternate legs


Exercise 3: Holding your weight horizontally, put your right leg in front and your left leg back. From there, lift arms overhead and then plié down into a lunge, pulling the weight down in front of you: 1 set of 15 and reverse

Exercise 4: Feet apart, hold weight horizontally, plié squat and lift weight up in front of shoulders 2x, then right and left 2x: 60 seconds

Exercise 5: Feet apart in a narrow second position, hold weight vertically and lift overhead, plié squat and lift right knee while doing a triceps dip (down) and straighten: 1 set of 15 on the right then reverse
雙腳微開站,雙手拿啞鈴正上舉定住,雙手往頭後方triceps下 (同時,雙腳plie 蹲並將右腳上抬),雙手直上舉 (同時雙腳站直)。抬右腳一邊15下,再換左腳抬起15下。

Exercise 6: Hold weight horizontally, contract abdominals while lifting the weight up in front, then lengthen abdominals while lowering the weight: 1 set of 15
腹部運動,雙手拿啞鈴由下往正前平舉 (肚子用力內縮),雙手再下來 (肚子拉長,上身往上拉的感覺)。這樣一組做15下。

Exercise 7: Holding weight vertically, push weight overhead, pull down and in, then rotate right and left: 1 set of 15
腹部運動,雙手上舉,下來時 (肚子用力內縮),再上身轉右左 (雙腳有點微蹲),記得肚子用力撐住保護你的下背部。這樣一組做15下。

Exercise 8: With feet apart, hold weight horizontally and pull into chest, plié squat, then straighten and push weight overhead: 1 set of 15
雙腳站比肩膀寬些,雙腳蹲plie (同時,雙手拿啞鈴在胸前),再雙腳站直 (同時,雙手上舉),記得蹲時膝蓋不超過腳指尖。一組做15下。

Exercise 9: Feet in second position, clasp hands in front, rotate torso right, left, then hold right with knee lift while engaging the core, reverse: 60 seconds

腹部運動,雙腳開,雙手交叉握住,上身右左右轉 (1,2,hold),定住時加上抬右腳。肚子要用力撐身體才會站穩。轉時下半身不轉。右左右,左右左,為一組,做60秒。

資料來源:Jazzercise Inc.