2009年3月25日 星期三


經過了38年, Judi Sheppard Misset女士所創立的Jazzercise已經成為全球舞蹈健身的領導者。全球每週有超過7,500位教師指導32,000堂課。這套全面性的健身訓練是為了增進心肺耐力、身體強度和柔軟度而設計,而且已經幫助了數百萬名不同年齡和體能狀況的人享受到運動的好處與改善他們的日常活動。

For more than 38 years, Jazzercise, created by Judi Sheppard Missett, is the world's leading dance-fitness program with more than 7,500 instructors teaching 32,000 classes weekly worldwide. The comprehensive fitness program is designed to enhance cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility, and has helped millions of people of all ages and fitness levels reap the benefits of exercise and improve their well-being.

